Author: Amelia
We Ate At Alinea
Yep, that’s right. THE Alinea. The Three Michelin Star Alinea. The 7th best restaurant in the world in 2012. It was December 2012 and it was amazing. Trey got reservations for us after I read Grant Achatz’s book, “Life, On the Line”, that told the story of his life and fight with cancer. Mouth cancer…
My Friend Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain was my friend. I’m certainly one in thousands of people to say that since his death. It’s true, though. Learning of his death felt like losing a dear old friend. Like someone we haven’t seen since high school, but follow on social media every day, was suddenly gone. Mr. Bourdain allowed us to…
Mother’s Day, the Eiffel Tower, & Marius Girard
Trey and I were at my father’s law firm recently, updating our wills before the big trip–you can never be too prepared, and I noticed this watercolor hanging above where my mom used to sit at her desk. She was my dad’s secretary at the law office. There were actually a pair of pictures and…
Travel Shoes
Travel shoes are important. They are so important that one must order approximately 20 pairs of sandals from to help decide which couple of pairs are the best. Ok, maybe 30 pairs. Here are a few that have made the cut so far. The pair on the left are Joseph Seibel. They are super…
Hello world!
We should probably say…Hello, Family…and maybe a few friends! Kids if you are reading this, yes we do have a few friends. Sooooo our upcoming trip to Europe….what do you need to know. Well for starters, I’ve been practicing not one, but two, language apps for more than a year. French and Italian. Daily. Morning…